Posts tagged with "Dublin"
04. August 2014
Dublin was a stopover for me before I took four days later the flight to Toronto in Canada. When I decided to stay in Spain and didn't take my booked flight in the end of May I looked for the last flight back to Dublin. Therefore I could stay nearly 3 month in Spain. During my stay in Dublin I lived at Serena's house. She was also the one who stored my big luggage when I took just a small backpack with me to Spain. She is really a great and hospital person. When I came back to Dublin it felt...
05. May 2014
Sooo before I finally flew to Alicante a lot of interesting and funny things happened which I would like to share with you in this post. Actually, I felt really sad when I left Tara's family... After 3 weeks I felt so great at her place... However, lovely Tara brought me with her boys to the bus station in Cork where I took the bus to Kilrush. In Kilrush I attended the two days Heal Your Life workshop based on Louise Hay's philosophy. At this workshop I met four other lovely women who attended...
25. March 2014
One more advantage of leaving the farm was that I could catch up with my brother in Dublin during his stay there. He and his girlfriend from Mexico did a tour through Europe and Ireland was one of their destinations. That meant for me: "Finally normal people!" ;-). Well, me and my brother we have the same humor and mostly it ends up in never ending laughter. We just need to look to each other and we'll start again. Also when we are together we get very wired ideas but we understand the other...
30. January 2014
Finally, I'm in Ireland since Monday. My best friends drove me to the airport to Duesseldorf and I left Germany with a 22 kg luggage (yes, it actually works to pack just 22 kg for a trip that might last about 1 year; many thanks to TFG ;-) ). After saying Goodbye to my friends I received a small hugs&kisses box from my creative and lovely friend Insa. It's filled with hugs and kisses from her and if I'm feeling bad or sad, I can take some hugs and kisses and I'll feel better. My...